


Kestrel 3500D便携式气象仪

时间:2018-06-30 08:20:44 来源:美国kestrel 点击:6580次

NK3500D仪器继承了NK3500的优点同时还可测量干湿温度差Delta T,是重要的湿度表示方式。Delta T能够为喷雾剂量提供指南。例如,如2到8是理想数值,而Delta T超过10的情况下建议不要使用杀虫剂。


NK5920D(Kestrel 3500D)便携式风速气象测定仪

KESTREL 3500/NK5920突出特点在于不仅测量参数全面,而且操作非常便捷,使用三个按键即可完成所有的测量操作。待机45分钟后自动关机,优良的防水性能,适合实验室或野外现场测量。可查看气压变化趋势,是气象监测中的重要项目。可测量风速,温度,湿度,露点,海拔高度,气压等。 

KESTREL 3500D/NK5920D手持式气象仪继承了KESTREL3500/NK5920的优点同时还可测量干湿温度差Delta T,是重要的湿度表示方式。Delta T能够为喷雾剂量提供指南。例如,如2到8是理想数值,而Delta T超过10的情况下建议不要使用杀虫剂。NK5920D能而简单的为您提供所需气象数据。在湿球温度校准时NK5920D还有气压修正功能,以确保在低气压,高海拔或干燥天气中测量的准确性。NK5920D的程度是其它便携式仪器无法可比的。 

• 手持式设计,优良防水性能
• 可换叶轮
• 响应快速,测量准确
• 背景灯功能,大屏幕显示方便读数
• 数据锁定功能
• 湿度传感器可以校准(使用专用校正组)
• 干湿温度差为喷雾提供指导(仅NK5920D)

Kestrel 3500 Delta T风速仪/便携式气象仪技术参数:

 测量项目 即时风速;更大风速;平均风速;大气压;气压趋势;海拔高度;
 使用环境液晶屏和电池的操作温度范围是14°F to 131°F / -10 °C to 55 °C
 保存温度 -22 °F to 140 °F / -30 °C to 60 °C
 自动关机 45分钟待机后自动关机
 认证标准 CE 认证
 使用环境 防水 (IP67 标准)
 尺寸重量122 x 42 x 18 mm(主机);65 g(主机)




Kestrel 3500 Delta T风速仪/便携式气象仪标准配置:

Kestrel 3500 Delta T风速仪/便携式气象仪英文介绍:

Kestrel Meter 3500 DT Meter

Designed specifically for agricultural professionals, the Kestrel 3500 Delta T provides Delta T readings. Delta T is the spread between the wet bulb temperature and the dry bulb temperature, and it offers a quick guide to determining acceptable spraying conditions. When you know Delta T, you ensure that every drop of spray counts.

This Delta T agricultural calculation is unique to 3500 DT model, as it was designed with the farming community in mind.  For more information on Wet Bulb Temperature and Dry Bulb Temperature, check HERE

The only features available on the Kestrel 3500 Wind Meter that are not available on the 3500 Delta T are wind chill and heat stress index.

To Note: The Kestrel 3500 Delta T does not log accumulated data like the more high-tech weather meters of the Kestrel 4000 series.

The Kestrel 3500 Delta T's easy to use menu system scrolls through each of its environmental measurement conditions. It has an external temperature sensor with a waterproof casing that allows you to gauge the temperature of water, snow, and the open air. The sensitive and user-replaceable impeller technology provides accurate wind speed info, and a hard slide-on case, lanyard, and battery are included.

The Kestrel Meter 3500 Delta T Meter measures/features
•Air, Water and Snow Temperature
•Average Wind Speed
•Barometric Pressure
•3- hour pressure trends
•Current Wind Speed
•Delta T (unique to the 3500DT model)
•Dew point
•Maximum Wind Gust
•Relative Humidity
•Wet Bulb Temperature

Kestrel Meter 3500 Delta T Additional Information
•Kestrel 3500 Delta T (PDF) Instructions English
• Kestrel Meters Detailed Specs / Certificate of Conformity (All Meters, PDF)
• Kestrel Meters Catalog (PDF)
•RoHS CERTIFICATE of Compliance
•Dimensions: 4.8 x 1.7 x 0.7 in. / 122 x 42 x 18 mm
•Weight: 2.3 Ounces / 65 Grams
•Model: Kestrel 3500DT Part # 0835DT


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