Archived User Manuals
(includes previous versions of user manuals and manuals for discontinued models)
Kestrel 1000风速仪说明书, Rev 6/18/08 |(438 KB)
Kestrel 2000风速仪说明书, Rev 1/09 |(266 KB)
Kestrel 2500风速仪说明书, Rev 6/18/08 |(995 KB)
Kestrel 3000风速仪说明书, Rev 2/10/09 |(315 KB)
Kestrel 3500风速仪说明书, Rev 6/18/08 |(1.1 MB)
Kestrel 5000, 5100, 5200 Quick Start Guide, Rev 0, 15.10.28 |
Kestrel 5400 Quick Start Guide, Rev 0, 15.10.28 |
Kestrel 5500 Quick Start Guide, Rev 0, 10.16.15 |
用于Windows的Kestrel LiNK
从Kestrel 5000系列设备传输数据并存档到Windows计算机上。 数据日志可以导出为CSV文件,以便在电子表格中查看和分析。 该软件还有助于更新和升级设备固件。
下载KESTREL LiNK for WINDOWS v 1.01(最新更新时间11.18.15)
与Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1和Windows 10兼容
查看设备信息,如设备名称,型号,固件版本,硬件版本和序列号。 重命名设备。
wireless通过无线方式或使用USB数据传输电缆从Kestrel 5系列设备传输数据。
Kestrel LiNK for Windows
Transfer data from your Kestrel 5 Series device and archive on your Windows computer. Data logs can be exported as CSV files for viewing and analysis in spreadsheets. This software also facilitates updates and upgrades to your device firmware.
DOWNLOAD KESTREL LiNK FOR WINDOWS v 1.01 (Last Updated 11.18.15)
Compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10
View device information such as device name, model number, firmware version, hardware version and serial number. Rename device.
Transfer data from your Kestrel 5 series device wirelessly or with a USB Data Transfer Cable.
Archive data logs.
Export data logs in CSV format for viewing and analysis in spreadsheets.
Manage updates and ugrades to device firmware.
LiNK for iOS
Kestrel LiNK for iOS
The Kestrel LiNK App for iOS puts crucial information at your fingertips with remote mobile device viewing of real-time readings from your Kestrel 5 Series Meter or DROP Logger. Kestrel LiNK also provides easy transfer of the Kestrel’s stored data log, a clear graph of all historical data, and customizable alerts based on temperature, heat index, wind or other measurements. Data is transmitted wirelessly via Bluetooth Smart® up to 100’ line of sight or more.