


Kestrel 5200专业气象仪

时间:2018-06-30 09:13:57 来源:美国kestrel 点击:9972次

Kestrel 5200手持式气象仪是一款专门为建筑、HVAC(空调暖通)行业设计的一款专业气象仪,是上一代Kestrel 4200和Kestrel 4300的升级产品,具体相同的值得信赖的准确性,可靠性和可用性。凭借其完整的环境测量套件以及专门为HVAC、建筑业、农业所设计的特殊功能,Kestrel  5200比同类型竞争产品性能更加出色,可作为相关行业人员的工具。

NK5200(Kestrel 5200)专业气象仪(建筑暖通行业)

• 测量:蒸发速率、空气流量、空气体积、空气密度、相对空气密度、Delta-T等

    • 大屏幕,高分辨率,高对比度,数据图表显示,在明亮的阳光下具有较好的可读性,具有背光,可以夜晚使用。

    • 手持便携式气象站,具有数据存储功能,数据制表功能。 

    • 可选由Bluetooth Smart® 提供的LiNK,可以通过无线与手机或电脑进行连接

    • 坚固耐用(跌落测试符合MIL-STD-810G标准),完全防水(防护等级IP67),能够漂浮在水上。

    • 配件包含:保护袋,颈绳,AA锂电池 2年保修。

Kestrel 5200专业气象仪


Kestrel 5200手持式气象仪是一款专门为建筑、HVAC(空调暖通)行业设计的一款专业气象仪,是上一代Kestrel 4200和Kestrel 4300的升级产品,具体相同的值得信赖的准确性,可靠性和可用性。凭借其完整的环境测量套件以及专门为HVAC、建筑业、农业所设计的特殊功能,Kestrel  5200比同类型竞争产品性能更加出色,可作为相关行业人员的工具。

最新款的Kestrel 5系列手持式气象仪,增加了许多新的功能和选项。如果您对Kestrel 4200和Kestrel 4300比较熟悉的话,就会对其大屏幕、高分辨率、高对比度和字体的可读性等印象深刻。Kestrel 5系列同样包括一个内置的双色背光,超强的聚碳酸酯镜片和AA电池供电,并提供可选的LINK iOS和Android无线连接。像所有的Kestrel手持式气象仪一样,Kestrel 5200通过了跌落测试,防尘测试,防水测试等,能抵御恶劣环境而不会损坏。

Kestrel 5200具有先进的计算功能,能够输出的气象数据,使得您能够轻松的获得您所需要的气象环境数据。除了实时测量当前的环境数据,Kestrel 5200可以跟踪并记录超过10000组带有时间戳的数据,这些数据可以通过无线方式传输到移动设备上,也可以通过Kestrel LiNKDongle或者USB Data Transfer Cable传输到PC / MAC上(单独出售)。

Kestrel 5200专业气象仪

Kestrel 气象仪已经在地球上一些最恶劣条件的考验。美国特种部队,战斗气象队、荒地消防队员,火灾扑灭,埃佛勒斯峰探险和汽车维修人员只是少数人依靠该向他们提供他们需要的关键的环境数据。飓风期间看天气频道,你一定能发现行动中的Kestrel。技术人员已经为他们的工具箱的常年采购Kestrel,知道他们将提供他们需要立即和可靠的读数。施工管理人员在世界各地都依赖于他们的Kestrel保证工作场所的安全和符合成本效益的混凝土浇注。农民知道该表可以帮助他们避免财产损失,更大限度地提高生产力。


    • 空气密度

    • 空气流量

    • 海拔高度

    • 大气压力

    • 密度高度

    • Delta T

    • 露点温度

    • 蒸发速率

    • 热度指数

    • 湿度比 (Grains)

    • 相对空气密度(RAD)

    • 相对湿度

    • 压力

    • 空气温度

    • 湿球温度

    • 风寒

    • 风速

Kestrel 5200应用范围:

    • 建筑和混凝土

    • 农作物喷药

    • 教育和教学

    • 设施管理

    • 饲养和农业

    • 空调暖通

    • 生态修复

    • 科学研究


Windows和Mac Kestrel链接

•Windows Kestrel链接

简单的通信,Windows和Mac电脑是通过可选的链接提供。USB适配器或USB数据传输线。下载您的数据以查看、分析和归档。使该Kestrel 系列5米的固件更新。

IOS和Android Kestrel链接

•iOS Kestrel 链接

•Android Kestrel 链接

与iOS和Android设备无线连接。当在范围内,查看实时测量,接收屏幕上的警报,并下载您的数据。登录的数据可以被查看,分析,归档和共享通过电子邮件,脸谱网和推特。使该Kestrel 5系列的固件更新。注:范围高达100的视线-减少墙壁和障碍物。


·Kestrel 5200专业气象仪:0852hvg

·Kestrel 专业气象仪链接:0852lhvg







Kestrel Meter 5200 Professional Environmental Meter
The Kestrel 5200 Pocket Weather Meter is Kestrel's Professional meter with the intended markets of construction, pouring concrete, balancing HVAC systems, and spraying crops. It gives quick calculations for your job with integrated specialty calculations.  With the new LINK technology, you can get readings right to your smartphone up to 100 feet away! 

Kestrel 5200 available in:
•High Viz Green: $269
• High Viz Green with LINK (Bluetooth): $329

The Kestrel 5200 upgraded and combined functions from the Kestrel 4250 & Kestrel 4300 in November of 2015. 

What's new with the Kestrel 5200 over the previous Kestrel 4250 & 4300 series:
•Bluetooth LINK work with PC/Mac via Dongle
•Bluetooth LINK to Smartphones / Mobiel / Android / IOS
•Takes 1 AA battery (instead of 2 AAA)
•Battery door is in the back, sealed away from the motherboard, should your battery leak as was common with all the 4000 series
•Improved high resolution screen for any lighting (even sunlight) and easy on your eyes.
•Intuitive user-interface screen navigation
•Multiple Languages: English, French, German, Spanish
•Scratch and breakage-resistant window
•All meters include both options of Red (NV - Night Vision) & White backlights.
•Slightly bigger, not really noticeable difference
•Roughly 10,000 data points. 


The Kestrel 5200 has these distinct monitoring functions over the other 5000 series:

• Measures evaporation rate: lb/ft2/hr  /  kg/m2/hr
• Air Flow: CFM, m3/hr, m3/m, m3/s, L/s
•Delta T
•Relative Air Density:
• Air Density: lb/ft3, kg/m3


These added features make the 5200 the choice of farmers, construction, and HVAC.

Delta T allows you to accurately assess acceptable spraying conditions to ensure you're within guidelines and help you select the right spray nozzle. The Kestrel 5200 calculates and logs on-site Delta T without any additional user input. Based upon ambient temperature and dew point, Delta-T provides guidance on the evaporation rate of sprayed chemicals. When combined with the Kestrel 5200’s average wind and max wind gust measurements, agriculture professionals can ensure they spray safely, every time. Use an accessory carry pouch to keep your Kestrel handy on your belt, ready to go before any spraying operations.

Farmers need a host of other environmental measurements, all of which are at the tips of your fingers with a Kestrel 5200. Use the volume air flow measurement to assess barn ventilation systems. Monitor temperature, humidity and heat index to ensure your animal facilities and feed mixtures are set up for maximum productivity. Measure micro-climates on your farm to ensure crops are sited where mold and disease will be minimized.


Volume air flow couldn’t get any easier than this. Simply input the duct shape and dimensions and traverse the Kestrel 5200 across the duct. You’ll get instantaneous and average volume air flow without the need for any geometry or calculations. readings that greatly assist in commissioning and performance balancing HVAC systems. While not a replacement for a balometer, the Kestrel 5200 is far less expensive and can save you time and money. The Kestrel 5200 also offers every commonly-used measurement of moisture content in air, making life easy to determine dehumidification needs.

The Kestrel 4200’s Evaporation Rate calculator allow you to enter the temperature of your concrete mix (from a probe or IR thermometer), then measure conditions at the pour site. The Kestrel 5200 has the American Concrete Institute Evaporation Rate nomograph built in, and displays the Evaporation Rate right on screen with no calculation or error-prone interpolation. With that information in hand, decisions about additives to the mix or curing adjustments can be made, prevent costly plastic shrinkage cracks of the slab. Plus, the Kestrel 5200 allows you to monitor wind-loading on booms and cranes, and even track the heat index on your work site to keep your workers safe.

Pair the Kestrel 5200 with the optional Kestrel Vane Mount for hands-free measurements logged over the course of the day. And for maximum functionality, choose the Kestrel 5200 with LiNK to transmit live measurements to your phone or tablet when you’re within range. The Kestrel LiNK app will provide alerts on your mobile device to let you know when conditions have changed.

Data Connection
If you select the Bluetooth Kestrel LINK model, your meter includes custom communication software designed to quickly and easily configure your data transmission frequency, download logged data, graph data and transfer data to other applications. It is no longer necessary to purchase an interface separately, the new Kestrel Meters with Bluetooth include the software necessary to communicate wirelessly at a range of up to 100 feet with a clear line of site (walls or obstacles will effect this range).

Note, you will need a Dongle to connect with your computer.  A workaround if you don't have this with you would be to upload your data to your mobile smartphone and email it to yourself and open it on your Mac/PC.  On the 4000 series you did not need the Dongle.

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